Chitol Macher kofta or Chitol Muthia

Chitol fish paste ,Boiled potato ,chopped onions,Ginger paste,Besan,
Garlic paste, Chili powder,Cumin powder, Ground turmeric
Black pepper, Garam masala Powder ,Finely chopped green chili
Chopped corainder ,Salt , Oil .

1. Mix the fish paste with  ginger garlic paste, chili powder,Turmaric, cumin powder,mashed potato,
Besan,Chili powder and salt.
2.. Make 2 inch diameter balls out of the fish paste.
3. Boil water in a saucepan, and drop the balls in the water & boil for 15 minutes. The unique congealing property of chiltol maachh is the more they boil the firmer the rolls become.
4. Take the balls out and keep it in a sieve, and let it cool down.
5. Take each ball and cut into  cubes .
6. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry these cubes in the oil and keep it aside. 
7. Now brown the onions in the same pan, and add the rest of the ginger, garlic, chili powder, cumin, turmeric, salt and some water. Mix well for 2 minutes.
8. Add the fried fish balls to the pan and mix with the sauce slowly.
9. Add in about ½ cup of water and coriander, cover and keep over low heat.
10. After 3 to 4 minutes, when the gravy thickens, turn off the heat and serve hot.

If you want you can have the fried fish cubes just by itself, or in a curry

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