Scrambled curd

scrambled curd
(Serves 4-6)

1 gallon of fresh whole milk
1/2 to 3/4 cups Lemon juice
3 Tabke spoon Ghee
2 Tea spoon Cumin Seed
1 Tea spoon Salt
1/4 tea spoon ground course black pepper
1/2 rea spoon termaric
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 tea spoon minced coriander or parsley

1. Bring milk to boil and Stir
2. Add curdling agent(Lemon juice or vinegar) and turn o heat
3. Strain curd through collander
4. Add Ghee slightly in Wok
5. Add cumin seed and fry till it brn.
6. Add curd(Chana), turmaric and Salt.
7. Turn o heat and add cream and pepper.
8. Stir gently and add coriander

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